August 9- August 13, 2021
Respect, Responsibility, Resilience


Monday, August 9
CANCELLED- Kindergarten Round Up 1:00-3:00 PM (accepted students only)
SCS Board Meeting: Emergency Meeting regarding Covid-19 protocols.  Tentative time 3:30 PM via Zoom (click HERE for Zoom link)

Tuesday, August 10
DROP OFF STUDENTS- Kindergarten Round Up 9:00-11:00 AM (accepted students only)
Class Assignments will be emailed to you.

Wednesday, August 11
Meet-the- Teacher 8:30-10:00 AM (see protocols below)
SCS Board Meeting 2:00-3:00 PM (SCS library/media center)

Thursday, August 12
Free Breakfast for grades 3-8 7:45-8:00 AM (optional)
First Day of School for Students 8:00-3:00 PM
Breakfast: Granola bar with graham crackers, fruit, juice and milk
Lunch: Corn Dog, honey roasted chick peas, chips, fruit, juice and milk

Friday, August 13
Free Breakfast for grades 3-8 7:45-8:00 AM (optional)
Breakfast: Banana bread, fruit, juice and milk
Lunch: Pizza, potato smiles, fruit, juice and milk


On Friday afternoon, we received an Emergency Order from the Florida Department of Education regarding the development of protocols to control the recent rise of Covid-19 infections. The Monroe County School District is meeting on Tuesday to develop specific guidelines for the return to school.  Everyone's goal is to keep the students and staff present and learning, within a safe and healthy environment and with protocols that are sustainable.

The timing of the Order has led to a cancellation of the first day of Kindergarten Round Up so that we have time to make any necessary adjustments.  We want to ensure that we are not creating an environment in which several students and staff members might have to isolate due to an exposure to a positive a case.  We plan on hosting our incoming kindergarten students on Tuesday morning.

The Sigsbee Board of Directors will discuss the Emergency Order on Monday afternoon in a special meeting.  You are welcome to join the meeting via Zoom.  Please be sure to read the guidelines for addressing the board should you have any public comment.

Meet the Teacher and the first day of school are currently unchanged.  Please monitor your emails for any changes related to policies or procedures that may for these events and our school routines.


Students should not come to school with any symptoms of illness.

All stakeholders are strongly encouraged to wear masks indoors.  It is possible that we may move to a mask or face covering mandate as a mitigation measure; however, there would be a way for parents or guardians to opt-out the student from wearing a mask or face covering.

Students will remain in cohort groups as much as possible, with 3' distance whenever possible.  (Note- our facility does not allow for 6' distance between students).

Frequent hand washing and cleaning of surfaces will be in place.


Teachers will be posting Meet the Teacher slideshows and introductory videos on their websites for those who are not able to attend Wednesday's event or who would prefer to avoid a large gathering.  

Covid-19 Protocols for Meet the Teacher at this time (Note- these change frequently)

  • Anyone who has ANY symptom of illness should not attend this event.
  • All stakeholders are encouraged to wear masks, especially indoors.
  • Families should not linger in the rooms.  Please plan on spending no more than 10 minutes in each of your child's classrooms.  
  • Please do not ask staff and family members whether they are vaccinated or not.
  • We are trying to minimize exposure for students and staff so that we can do our part to avoid quarantines and illnesses.  Please stay 6' apart whenever possible.

When you receive your child's homeroom assignment on Tuesday afternoon, please note who their teachers are.  Be sure you can open the campus map on your phone so that you will be able to navigate your visit.

You will sign in at the classrooms.  Special area teachers, the principal, and support services staff will be outside for assistance.  Please be sure to stop by and say hello.

If you've emailed a picture of your license in advance, you will receive a base pass in your child's homeroom class.  If you have yet to leave give us a picture of your license, please stop by the library before proceeding to your children's classrooms.  You can also avoid the rush by emailing a copy/picture of your license to

Remember that 2020-2021 yearbooks are for sale in the library/media center.  The cost is $20 (checks made out to Sigsbee Charter School or cash)


Will be virtual!

New Family Orientation is for students and parents who are new to Sigsbee.  It also can serve as a helpful reminder for those who arrived mid-year or just forgot what school was like pre-Covid.   Mrs. Jannes will send out a Google Slideshow for your review.  We are cancelling any large, indoor parent presentations at this time, until our community Covid numbers decrease.


Students in kindergarten- second grade should proceed to their homerooms to order breakfast if they want to participate in the morning meal.  They will be eating in the classroom.

Students in third-eighth grade- need to stop by the cafeteria and select their breakfast.  Breakfast will run from 7:45-8:00 AM in the cafeteria.  Please do not drop off earlier than that.

Lunch counts will be taken at 8:00 AM each morning.  Please be sure your child arrives to school on time.  Below is this month's menu for both breakfast and lunch.

There is no charge for breakfast or lunch this year.


Kindergarten- fifth grade enrichment is back!   The enrollment period for Quarter 1 enrichment classes is now open and will close Monday, August 16th at noon. Click HERE and use the form to enroll your student(s). Please complete one entry per student. The ASE teachers will send welcome notices to students in their enrichment class the evening of August 16th. These classes will begin on August 18th.


Children in K-2 will stay in their homeroom groupings and work with their class's support teacher.  Children in grades 3-5 will mix cohorts but remain distanced as much as possible.  

Remember, ASE is an after school program.  Appropriate respectful and responsible behavior is required in order to participate.

ASE Payment: After completing this registration form, please remember to pay for the class by visiting our payment site.



I could not be more proud of our staff for pulling together to retrieve, reassemble,  and recreate inviting classroom spaces after having so much of our school in storage last year.  On Friday, I looked out the window to see middle school teachers power washing lockers, scrubbing breezeways and polishing windows.  Our support paraprofessionals were scurrying around the school delivering supplies, charging equipment, organizing books and labeling every known surface.  Our maintenance team was fixing, plumbing, landscaping, discarding and assembling anything in their path.   I'm sure many teachers are attached to their laptops this weekend, updating websites,  writing lesson plans and collaborating on developing fantastic learning experiences after spending many hours together in pre-planning sessions.

We are 100% committed to having a positive and productive school year with your children.  I encourage you to gift them with the joy and excitement of a new year by talking up all of the wonderful experiences that come with meeting new friends and teachers.  After 32 years in education, I still get excited (and a little nervous) about the first day of school but I know that ten minutes after arrival, we are settled and where we belong.  Remember, children will pick up on your emotions and attach your feelings to their experiences.  

As we start our 12th year of Sigsbee Charter, the same mantra holds true: Respect, Responsibility and Resilience will help you navigate any waters.  We have an amazing crew ready for your children this year.  We can't wait to add the students to complete the mix.

Please help us to reach our goals for your students by practicing safe and healthy habits.  Our Sigsbee family is amazing when we all unite together for the children as positive role models.



We have an AWESOME blend of electives for you to choose from.  This year, all middle school students will have two electives scheduled.  One elective will meet on Mondays and Fridays (2:00-3:00 PM) and the second elective will meet on Tuesdays and Thursday (2:00-3:00 PM).  The one exception is band, which will have an additional session on Wednesdays from 2:00-3:00.

On the first day of school, you will hear from the elective teachers and will be able to pick out your top choices.  Here's a preview with more information to come on the first day:

Mondays and Fridays:
App Inventor, BAND, 2D Art, Team Sports, SAVE Promise, Folk Arts, STEM, Fishing, Basketball, Tennis and Gaming

Tuesdays and Thursdays:
Baton, Steel Pan, 2D Art, Team Sports, Spanish, , Folk Arts, Guitar, Kayaking, Forensic Science, 3D Design and Printing and 6th Grade Tech Elective

Clubs will start later in the quarter and will be after school so as not to conflict with all of these great choices.


Below are some questions that were asked about Middle School Uniforms:

Q: If my child is affixing the Sigsbee logo to their own clothing, are we able to select any type of clothing item?
A: All clothing items must comply with the Sigsbee Dress Code.  Personal items should be plain and should not include any other logo or visible brand name. The Sigsbee logo must be clearly identifiable on the upper left hand side of the item.  

Q: Am I allowed to use a different logo?
A: The standard Sigsbee logo is used to help us identify students who belong on our campus.  Altering the logo affects our ability to recognize our students.  While there are different versions of Sigsbee issued shirts (race shirts, band shirts, team jerseys) that are permitted, parents should not create their own logos.  

Q: Does my hoodie have to have a Sigsbee logo?
A:  A sigsbee logo must be visible at all times.  If a student is wearing the hoodie upon entering the classrooms, it should have a Sigsbee logo on it.  Jackets, ponchos or any other outer layers do not require logos if they are removed when entering class.

Q: Am I allowed to wear a hat and sunglasses?
These items may be worn outdoors but must be removed in the classrooms, unless the student requires special accommodations.  In this case, please contact the principal.

See the Dress Code for more information


Attention Middle School Students!


Sigsbee Charter School Music is inviting you to an awesome opportunity! You are invited  to JOIN BAND! Being band is super fun and is a great way to be with friends in a collaborative performance group. And being in band is……..Cool! You will make new friends, have fun with current friends, get to express yourself through music and represent your school at the same time!


No experience necessary and  Mr. Brooker will teach you everything you need to know. During the first few days we will work together to select an instrument in a very supportive and collaborative way. During classes you will learn how to read music, how to assemble  instruments, how to clean  instruments, how to read music, how to play songs and represent Sigsbee Charter School with pride!  Please see Mr. Brooker for more details!

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