January 31- February 4

Monday, January 31
Basketball Games at HOB versus Marathon (Girls 5:30; Boys 6:30)
Breakfast: Cereal bar with graham crackers, fruit, juice and milk
Lunch: Cheeseburger, fresh broccoli with ranch, fruit, juice and milk

Tuesday, February 1
Breakfast: Cereal with graham crackers, fruit, juice and milk
Lunch: Taco stick, chips n' salsa, fruit, juice and milk

Wednesday, February 2
Staff/coaches versus Bball Team game 3:30 MWR field
Breakfast: Bagel with cream cheese, fruit, juice and milk
Lunch: Turkey and cheese sandwich, bag o' chips, cucumber slices with ranch, fruit, juice and milk

Thursday, February 3
KWHS 8th graders registration (at Sigsbee)
Breakfast: Granola bar with graham crackers, fruit, juice and milk
Lunch: Corn dog, bag o' chips, fruit, juice and milk

Friday, February 4
Basketball Awards Dinner 6-7:30 PM
Lunch: Pizza, potato smiles, fruit, juice and milk
Breakfast: Banana bread, fruit, juice and milk


Our teams' last "home" game is on Monday, versus Marathon AT HOB.  We want to pack the house with Sigsbee fans.  Come cheer on our hardworking Sailfish and their coaches.  The girls tip off at 5:30 PM and the boys start at 6:30 PM.


Calling for lunch and recess volunteers

We are in desperate need of volunteers to help supervise lunch and recess.  Staff members are working double-time to fill in for shortages.  Additional adults and lunch and recess will allow us to give them some breaks.  Please use this as an opportunity to fulfill your volunteer requirement.  You can sign up for multiple days.

Younger children and/or pets are not allowed to accompany you.  You will sign in at the office and receive instructions to help with the responsibilities.  A Sigsbee staff member will always be present.  Volunteers must be at least 18 years old.

This is also a great time to help us reinforce appropriate behavior.  Children really respond when they see their teachers and parents working together.

Use this link to lend a helping hand: SIGN UP HERE


February 11:  Team Jersey Day
February 14:  Friendship Day
February 17:  Random Acts of Kindness Day
February 22 (2/2/22):  Tutus, ties, tiaras and twirls day



Wednesday, February 2nd

“You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation.”

Our entire school will be dedicated to Global Play Day on Wednesday, February 2nd. This is a day of unstructured play for students, teachers and staff.

The intent of this day is to re-introduce the benefits of creative, self-directed play with NO ELECTRONICS, no formal teaching and no testing. This will be a day of fun, free play and creativity. There will be minimal direction from staff, restricted only to ensuring everyone is safe.

Students are encouraged to bring toys, games, building blocks, art materials, trucks, cars, boxes, puzzles and board games. The items should not be something the child values dearly (no trading cards, including Pokemon). 

No play weapons of any sort are permitted.  The day will also include outdoor play!

Global School Play Day will run ALL DAY in grades K-5. Middle School students will participate during their last period. During this day, we ask that you allow our staff to completely engage with students.

You can do this by reducing the number of emails sent, cutting down on interruptions to the classroom, and holding off on phone calls. We will only interrupt the play for emergencies. Again, please remember that students are never allowed to bring any toys that look like weapons to school- no guns, knives, swords, etc.

We are looking forward to an unforgettable day!

Global School Play Day Official Website -


There's nothing like learning from the native environment.  Have you heard about falling iguanas?  Some cold-blooded reptiles, like iguanas, have difficulty maintaining their body temperatures if the temperature falls to the 40's.  They slow down and/or enter a dormant state and sometimes fall from the trees they are sleeping in.  Don't worry.  They are not dead.  When the temperatures warm up, they will start to move again.  Just leave them alone and don't touch them.  Of course, if you are able to safely take a photograph, we'd like to see it.


We have 80 Chromebooks at the repair shop right now and an additional 14 that have been turned in over the past two days. The school has run out of extra Chromebooks for the moment.

Students most often tell us that their Chromebooks were damaged when they were stepped on or dropped.  In addition, students find their Chromebooks broken when removing them from their backpacks in the morning.   We will be talking to students again about preventative care measures.  Please reinforce this at home by ensuring that your child is being careful with the placement and transport of their device.

2022-2023 EMPLOYMENT

Our interview season for the next school year is upon us.  We have instructional openings in many subject areas as well as paraprofessional positions.  If you are interested in applying for a position or know someone who would be a good fit for SCS, please email a cover letter and resume to our Office Manager, Rebeca Colon (  

Information about employment is available on OUR WEBSITE

Our instructional salary scale is located HERE

Immediate openings:

  • Elementary PE teacher - must be certified
  • Paraprofessional - support teacher
  • Substitutes

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