Monday, June 6- Friday, June 24:  Summer School Session 1

Tuesday, July 5th- Friday, July 22nd: Summer School Session 2


9:00 AM-3:00 PM Monday-Friday
Office Closed June 27th- July 1

 CLICK HERE FOR THE 2022-2023 Calendar

LOTTERY: July 7th

Be sure that you have completed your volunteer hours so that your child is not entered into the lottery.  You can use the link below for any new students.  Siblings of current students have admission preference as long as we know about them before our lottery.

The application window for our lottery is open. Use THIS LINK to complete an application and remember to complete one for each student wanting to attend our school. All applications received before midnight on Thursday, June 30th will be included in our lottery for the next school year. The lottery will be held at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, July 7th. We will confirm receipt of your application within five school days. Please contact Mrs. Rosch via e-mail ( or by calling (305) 294-1861 with any questions.

Sigsbee Sailfish 
FREE Summer Learning Camp! 

Our goal is to provide a fun and educational summer series that supports continued learning, active play, and social interactions for students entering 1st - 6th grades.  Students will receive instruction in Mathematics and English Language Arts from teachers through theme-based, hands-on activities. They will also engage with camp counselors and paraprofessionals for all other fun, summer camp activities. 

* This is open to Sigsbee students only.
* Free breakfast and lunch will be provided.
* Hours:  9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
* Families must be able to transport their own children to and from school.  However, we will walk students to and from MWR.
* You can select which weeks you would like your child to attend.  
* Complete one form per student.

Thank you for taking the time to complete the form!  We are looking forward to a great summer!



The SCS Board of Directors recently approved a $1000/month living allowance for all full-time employees to ensure that SCS is able to provide a living wage for our amazing staff.   We recognize the importance of having qualified professionals in charge of caring for our children.  Please help us recruit -this is the most difficult job market we've ever dealt with.  Postings are updated on our website

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