January 3- January 7, 2022

Monday, January 3rd
No school for students: Professional Day
Enrichment Sign-Ups close at noon Link to sign up: Q3 Enrichments
Mountain Day for Staff (school is closed- including office)

Tuesday, January 4th
Students Return
Start of 3rd quarter
Breakfast: Cereal, graham crackers, fruit, juice and milk
Lunch: Taco stick, Salsa, fruit, juice, and milk

Wednesday, January 5th
3rd quarter Enrichment Starts
Breakfast: Bagel w/ cream cheese, fruit, juice and milk
Lunch: Ham and cheese sandwiches, fruit, juice, and milk

Thursday, January 6th
Basketball Games versus St. Mary's Basilica @ St. Mary's (girls at 5, boys at 6)
Breakfast: Granola bar, graham crackers, fruit, juice and milk
Lunch: Corn Dog, fruit, juice, and milk

Friday, January 7th
Breakfast: Banana bread, Fruit, juice and milk
Lunch: Pizza, potatoes, fruit, juice, and milk

Dear Family,


Thank you for your support of your school's art fundraiser. Your student created an amazing work of art and your school appreciates your order. Unfortunately, due to high volume and labor shortages, our Square 1 Art team was not able to get your products to your school in time for distribution before the holidays. We are deeply sorry for the disappointment and inconvenience caused by this situation. 

Here is a GIFT IOU card that you may print out on letter-size paper to give to the gift recipient to let them know a very special keepsake is coming soon. 

Thank you for your continued support of your child's education!

The Square 1 Art Team

Please note that staff will not be available on Monday, January 3rd, in celebration of Sigsbee's Mountain Day.  Mountain Day is delineated for staff to have an unexpected additional day for themselves.  It is meant to be a surprise and unexpected gift.  This year, our January Professional Day was given as Mountain Day in appreciation for all of the staff members who gave up lunch time and planning periods to help cover the many absences we've had.  We will all be extra ready for the students' return on Tuesday.

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